Monday, December 28, 2015

"(HMM) Matches in a Row on Fire!!!" (CC BY 2.0) by  aotaro 

James is a fictitious character, but one whose life is not unlike the life of many teenagers accessing our education system somewhere in the world today.

James attends a local school, considered “good” by the measurements we currently apply. The school has a carefully designed curriculum and a passionate headteacher. The school premises are new and set for “the modern age” but the problem for James is that his face does not appear to fit.

He has a mind of his own and he knows what he wants from life. He is a “man with a plan” and motivated to succeed. The big problem is that his plans and the school’s plans do not coincide. It appears he has committed the unforgivable sin of refusing to accommodate himself fully and willingly to their carefully chosen curriculum.

This difficult situation reveals something very important. It reveals the gap between individual lives and what Hemming calls “institutional learning.”  

It as if James knows this is a fight worth fighting. It is worth fighting because his personal competence is at stake and his future well being. He doesn’t want to argue or upset anyone but the school has absolutely zero tolerance for his behaviour. He is accused of wasting their time.

Outside of school James is valued highly. His age is immaterial. He has respect. He knows that this is his education and he embraces it with a maturity few recognise.  Let me tell you something - this is not an unforgivable sin, this is real life.

John Hassall, Founder & Creative Director, Johass


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