How do you feel when you have the opportunity to create something new or expand on an existing idea? Does it make you feel alive? Do you...

Exploring the True Meaning of Education
How do you feel when you have the opportunity to create something new or expand on an existing idea? Does it make you feel alive? Do you...
Image Credit: Susy Morris Do you have an invested interest in promoting the health and wellbeing of young people? (that should be all ...
" learning " ( CC BY 2.0 ) by michael pollak Can you imagine if one day qualifications stopped being the primary consider...
Some remarkable insight into life with severe autism. We are reminded that these young people are not sick! It is about connecting, someth...
" pain " ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) by nanny snowflake Life is hard in our schools. I am speaking as someone who has spent the pa...
Welcome to brief overview of The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. Look at the secrets behind deep practice and the way skill is grown. How ...
" Exam " ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) by Perrimoon As you read this more than nine million young people in China are in strict trai...
Take a look at Aditi's ground breaking work on developmental disorders as she points us in the direction of neurology instead of judgi...
" silent diversity " ( CC BY 2.0 ) by DryHundredFear Difference matters more than we realise. It has the power to make...
I'm posting this video because we set our education system up to prepare young people for a future we can't see! The skills they d...
" Learning " ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) by CollegeDegrees360 My son has a real passion for lighting design. He spends every p...
Explore how for many young people the thought of being a specialist fills them with boredom and dread. Emile Wapnick talks about the wo...
This wonderful short film from the Princes Trust challenges us to think about the lives our young people lead.
" A quiet corner found " ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) by Pesky Library Our schools contain a real diversity of people many of wh...
" Thinking " ( CC BY 2.0 ) by Moyan_Brenn Young people look to the adults in positions of power for feedback on a regul...