Friday, January 29, 2016

"silent diversity" (CC BY 2.0) by  DryHundredFear 

Difference matters more than we realise. It has the power to make earth shattering changes and the ability to radically disturb contemporary thinking. But how?

When we think of difference we often think of the marginalised and the oppressed. We think of disability, racial segregation and various types of prejudice, where people are considered separate by an arrogant and ignorant world.

On October 9th 2012, Malala Yousafzai was boarding her bus in Swat in Pakistan. A gunman asked for her by name and proceeded to fire three times, hitting her in the face. She survived. Here is the power of difference. She did not hide as she recovered. She stood up. She stood firm.

In 2014 she received the Nobel Peace Prize. Not because she was the victim of ignorance but because of the wonderful power of difference.

Malala expressed the bravery and desire to challenge injustice.

On December 1st 1955 Rosa Parks boarded a bus too. She heard the bus driver tell her to give up her seat but she refused to give it up for a white passenger. She was not the first to do this but she did not hide either. She stood up. She stood firm.

The wonderful power of difference is revealed when you see things through no matter what the costs because the risk and sacrifice can change people’s thinking. It is revealed most when you refuse to be the victim. It takes immense courage but it can come at a great cost.  

When difference conforms it has no power but when it stops, turns round and faces the world it has immense power. If you are different do not count it as a curse, count it as a blessing because when required and at the right time it is the greatest tool you possess. It is your greatest strength.

John Hassall


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