Friday, January 15, 2016

"Tacheles" (CC BY-NC 2.0) by  ollycoffey 

Have you ever stopped for a moment and looked out of a window? For some of us this has a remarkable effect. It can bring calm amidst the social cacophony . It is restorative in ways that only introverts can tell you. The sad truth is that we are a noisy race as a rule, and some of us have to use drastic methods to get some peace.

Schools, colleges, organisations and workplaces  all over the world are settings where quiet is not always an option. Think about school. Young people have travelled to school on a noisy bus, walked to class through noisy corridors and often find break-times the most challenging of all when it is seen as a time for rest. If the estimates are correct then nearly a third of all young people in schools and colleges prefer the quiet.

Quiet Places are like recharging points. Introverts need to recharge before the next onslaught of noise pollution and social interaction, so spare a thought.

Throughout America there is a revolution taking place -  a quiet one. Steadily but surely they are unpicking how education and life beyond these formative years is impacting on the large minority who identify themselves as introvert. As part of this, the Quiet Institute has an insightful and well framed tagline - great ideas come from quiet places. They also show data you can’t afford to ignore.

If you want to enable students to give their best then give them the chance to retreat to quiet places because it is there that they think, it is there that they listen to their own thoughts that would otherwise be drowned out.

I am not saying that introverts carry all the creative aces but give them a fair chance - give them some quiet and a place for them to go. No doubt they will surprise you and probably themselves too.



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